Sunday 21 October 2012

Week 3: Reflections

Agenda for Week 3
Discussion:Aural/Oral Skill Building
Project Step 2

In Week 3's Reflections I'll first discuss the first item on the agenda.We were asked to read
 one of the articles about CALL for listening, speaking, or pronunciation skills and then visit some websites of CALL Software.We were required share information with other coursemates in apost on Nicenet regarding the following:
  • which website we used, and which specific activity/web page.
  • b) what English level/age of students could best use this site, and what skills it enhances,
  • c) our overall recommendation about the site.
I read the two articles written by Miller and Maria Busa.Then I visited some websites regarding some CALL tools.

For our final project we were asked to read already published  research reports.  I selected the report of Bruno which is about bringing a technology enhanced change in writing skill  of students.

The task was to register or sign up for the delicious links.Since I had some previous knowledge about Delicious Links,so it took me just a minute or two to log in on to the Delicious.
I would create another reflection post shortly regarding the assignments of Week 3.