Monday 25 April 2016

Transcript of TodaysMeet

Here is transcript of a chat that my BS class did on TodaysMeet. This is how we can use TodaysMeet for lively discussions. Click an read.

Transcript of TodaysMeet Discussion


Sunday 24 April 2016

Week 1: Digital Literacy for 21st Century Teachers

I am happy to launch first ever free online course titled "Digital Literacy for 21st Century Teachers.". I announced this course in different Facebook groups. The response was quite encouraging. So far I have 57 teachers/attendees across Pakistan has submitted their Registration Forms. More than 30 have already found their way into our online classroom. Click the hyperlink Responses
to see the analysis of Pre-Course Self Evaluation Forms sent to me by teachers from across Pakistan.

I think we can all, with each others' cooperation, can learn few digital tools which we can use for our own professional development as well as for our students' empowerment.